Monday, May 20, 2019

Square Enix Game Master Service

I've changed the date on the this post for continuity so that it comes after the original post. 

I finally got a response ...

This is a copy paste of my original inquiry letter and a screenshot of my response. Honestly, I don't think I will bother uploading this to the forums as requested because I don't trust "game master services" and feel like this would just make me a target. I have decided to purchase ESO and a membership to their PLUS program and will cancel FFXIV. There just doesn't seem to be a logical reason why I should continue to pay a subscription fee to a corporation that minimizes informative customer services while maximizing anxiety inducing moderation. Part of the reason people play MMOs is the social aspect and right now the ToS is conducive to a very sterile, anxiety inducing, and frankly boring social/gaming experience. That's just not worth paying for and my prediction is that if the next expansion sucks or is even mediocre, Square Enix will begin to hemorrhage players if they don't do something about the direction they are going in terms of moderation. 


Greetings from XXXX,

Recently I received a 4 day (ish) 3.3 profanity ban for something I said in "mid-April" according to GM Glesipner. I was logged out Tuesday morning 21/5-19 and didn't get my account back until (today) 00:00 Saturday 25/5-19. Here are screenshots of that conversation. I have made them "hidden" so only you can see them. Please let me know if the link doesn't work.

Dear Customer,

We are writing to inform you that the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account registered to this e-mail address has been suspended on 21/05/2019 due to a confirmed breach of the following rules and agreements:

3.3 Profanity and Offensive Language. You may not use profanity or any language that a reasonable person would find offensive. The Game is for players aged 16 and older except players who are resident in Germany, Australia or New Zealand where the Game is for players aged 12 and older. You agree to behave accordingly.

We found evidence of this violation from the following behaviour, which led to this suspension:

- Use of inappropriate language

This came as quite a shock to me because after reading the updated ToS with a couple of friends, I made it my mission not to say anything in open world chat that could be misconstrued as an attack or even offensive by what I believe to be a reasonable person. When I asked the GM what I said because I am genuinely at a loss as to what I could have done to warrant this, he of course denied that request citing "policy.". Ok, I understand that, so I will not be asking for any details regarding that incident. However, I am still truly in the dark about what I could have said that a "reasonable person" would find offensive, so I would like to ask a couple of general questions in order to inform and safeguard myself against any future possible bans.

I have put a lot of time, effort, and subscription fee/mogstation money into this game, so I want to do everything I know how to do in order to avoid losing my account as a result of not truly understanding what a reasonable person finds offensive. After all, I may have an entirely different idea of what a "reasonable person" is than Square Enix does. The reason why this is so important to me is because I have genuinely put forth a conscious effort to be more careful about what I say and how I am perceived in open chat and yet I found myself penalized anyway. This tells me that I may need some re-educating and I hope that you can help me so that I don't have to feel anxious every time I login to the game. 

First of all, is it true that there is no system in place which allows for account penalty decay and as such is it also true that anything I may have done years ago will be counted against me today and could result in a permanent account ban no matter how minor the infraction was then or is today? 

Does this mean that I could be subject to a permanent ban for using any kind of profanity in open chat if someone feels offended by it and decides to report me? For example, if I was to type "ah fuck" after missing an S rank or "fuck you, monster" after being blown off the stage at The Saucer in open world chat, could these things result in a ban and even a permanent ban based on previous penalties? 

If someone attacks or harasses me and I tell them to "fuck off, basement boy" and they then report me, could I be subject to penalty and depending on how many penalties I have received, a permanent ban from the game as well regardless of whether or not the other individual attacked me or someone I care about and I was just defending myself or that person? If someone is being a dick and I tell them to stop being a "dick" and they report me even though they are objectively and obviously being a dick to people, could this result in a penalty for me if he decides to report me? 

Could any of the following result in account penalty or ban if someone reports it? Thal's balls, seven-hells, godsdammit? I am not being funny. I am genuinely concerend about this. 

I'm not the smartest popoto and I have the memory of a goldfish. Maybe I said something worse than I remember or hadn't fully acclimated to FFXIV's unique in-game environment, but at this point I have taken a vow of silence regarding open world chatting and am thinking of just turning chats off altogether because it would seem that people can feel victimized and offended by literally anything these days and that could potentially result in an account loss for me. Again, I have put a lot of effort into my character. I really don't want to lose it and there is just no way I am purchasing the game again and starting over. In the event of a perma-ban, my husband and I will just take our money Elsweyr ... if you know what I mean, but before that happens I would like to do everything I can to educate myself and avoid that. So, if you could answer these questions for me it would help alleviate my anxiety about this a great deal and that would be very much appreciated. 

Thank you very much for your time and help on the matter!
Most Sincerely,

Game Master Services Non-Answer

I then respond by asking them why they can't answer my example questions
Another Non-Answer
Love how I get referred to the same vague ass ToS that I am asking for clarification on
Apparently they misunderstood that I was asking them WHY so lets try this again ...
Inquiry Final Contact

I thought about asking the Game Master Team what some of the parameters are in deciding how "outcomes may differ" but I already feel dumber for having had this conversation and frankly I've run out of patience. This experience is akin to slamming one's head against a wall. In fact, a head slam might be less painful. 

Conclusion: Basically anything you say has the potential to get your account banned permanently depending on your luck in terms of which GM gets assigned to your case especially if you have "priors". You may get a reasonable and logical thinking GM or you may get a very precious and super special snowflake for a GM who tries to crit your boot without the benefit of lube just because you said boo to a grasshopper. This is the result of pandering to a niche player base of adult babies also known as "generation snot bubble". I'm sitting in-game and frankly I'm bored not really wanting to put anymore effort into it. I guess its up to you if this game is worth the cost of being treated like you should be grateful to Square Enix for allowing you the privilege of paying for their service. Is a subscription worth the cost of playing in a highly uptight and sterile environment? I think I'll spend my husband's hard earned money on a game service that appreciates our business!